The Soulful Cycle box brings magic to your menstrual cycle.

Are you curious to find out more about your cycle and how you can make it work for you? Ever feel unproductive at certain times of the month? What if you could tune in to your cycle to know not only when your bleed is coming but when you’re at your most productive or when you need to rest? The Soulful Cycle box has been created to support you so you can embrace every day of your cycle and change the way you live.

Hello, Betty here. I’m so excited to finally share the Soulful Cycle box with you. I used to dread getting my period, but since I discovered the power of my cycle it’s changed my life. This box is a lovingly curated collection of beautiful products from independent suppliers that will educate and empower women to dance with, rather than dread, their monthly cycle.

I don’t know about you, but I didn’t learn a lot about my cycle at school. It was boxed into ‘PMT’ (pre-menstrual tension) and your ‘period’ (aka when you bleed). The truth is our whole cycle matters and the more in tune we are with it, the more magic we discover.

This box allows you to plan your month around your energy levels, mood and motivation. It helps you to find out when you’re most creative, most confident or in need of a rest. With the Soulful Cycle box, you’ll learn how to unlock the power of your cycle and own it, every single day. It’s not just knowing about that time of the month, but those times of the month, learning how every season of your cycle can have an effect on your body, mind and productivity. And make it work for you.

Right from your first period, this self-care box supports women, whether you bleed each month or not. We all experience a monthly cycle that affects our hormones, so it’s about getting to know yours and making it work for you.

To create the Soulful Cycle box, I’ve teamed up with some of my favourite independent businesses on a similar mission, mostly in my home town of Brighton. From an educational book to a blissful bath soak, it’s the most important biology lesson you’ll ever have, all in one box. And it goes way beyond the box too, with access to a Soulful Sisterhood, free downloads, videos and a meditation to support you throughout your cycle. Worth well over £100, get your hands on a box for just £69. A pound from every box sold will be donated to Bloody Good Period, a charity on a mission to fight for menstrual equity and the rights of all people who bleed. Find out more about them here.

£1 from every box sold donated to bloody good period.png

Are you ready to reconnect with your body and find out how tracking your cycle can change your life? This box gives you everything you need to learn how to embrace your cycle from the first day of your period, through every season of emotion, energy level and everything else in between.

What’s in the box?

  • A copy of the book, Wild Power. Written by the founders of Red School

  • A Nikki Strange notebook for tracking and journaling throughout your cycle.

  • A handmade Bliss bath soak by small-batch Aromatherapist, Senses by Sim. Made with a unique blend of Lavender and Geranium essential oils to help you de-stress, unwind and rest.

  • Senses by Sim bespoke new and full moon aromatherapy candles with crystals to support your monthly rituals.

  • Period Faace mask to support hormonal skin. This can be used as a daily primer or as a mask to deeply nourish your skin.

  • A handmade vegan chocolate bar infused with geranium made by Sussex small-batch maker, The Chocolatitian.

  • Two lovingly selected Bird & Blend teabags to enjoy at different times of your cycle.

  • A5 Reclaim Your Wild print.

  • New and full moon ritual cards to use with your candles.

  • Mood tracker bookmark.

  • Access to a more detailed monthly tracker via a download.

  • Access to ‘Self-care for your cycle’ video with breathwork facilitator and founder of Reclaim Your Wild, Betty Lewis-Griffiths.

  • Access to a recorded meditation to support you.

  • Access to a breathwork practice video to support you to drop into your body and ground yourself.

At the moment we’re only able to deliver to addresses in the UK, but If you’re outside of the UK and would like a box, drop me an email and let’s see if we can make it happen!

I’m so excited for you to join me on this adventure with your cycle!