A twelve-week transformational journey with your breath


You are your own healer and your breath is your medicine.

Beyond Breath is a 1:1 offering I have created with love and safety. Breathwork is a modality that has changed my life in many ways and I am here to be of service to share it with others. Working with a conscious connected breath, you drop out of your head and into your heart, deep into your body, to connect with your own wisdom and bring healing on a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic level. I’ve created this container because healing takes commitment. It’s not about a ‘quick fix', mostly because we’re not fixing anything. What we’re doing is reconnecting with ourselves and our body’s wisdom and it takes more than one session to do that.

Did you know that:

  • Many of us only use a third of our lung capacity. breathwork can help with physical, mental & emotional health.

  • 90% of our energy comes from our breath, so changing our breath can literally change our life.

  • 70% of our body's detoxification happens through our breath, so we're letting go of more than we think with every exhale.

  • Breathwork can help to release stagnant energy and suppressed emotion, which can cause aches, pains, and even dis-ease in the body.

Powerful, isn’t it? OUR BREATH. So join me in a safe and held 1:1 space online, where together we journey Beyond Breath. Still not sure? Find out more about the power of breathwork here.

Beyond Breath: What’s included

Together, we adventure beyond your breath, on a journey of reclamation, radical honesty, and remembrance. Working with me privately online from the comfort of your own home, you’ll access the power of your breath for transformation over a 12-week deep dive.

12-week 1:1 container online

6 x Online breathwork journeys

2 x 1:1 Integration calls (because integrating your experiences is part of the practice)

Access to my 'Self-Inquiry Library' including supporting resources - meditations, daily breathwork practices, journal prompts and more.

Whatsapp support between sessions

20% off any group online offerings during the 12 weeks

The exchange:

Option 1: Pay in full £999

Option 2: Payment plan offering three monthly payments of £333

Magic words from breathwork clients

Ready to reclaim your medicine?
Book a free connection call below.