Hello, wild one. I’m Betty.


Self-proclaimed ‘Busy Betty’, it was time for things to slow down, take a breather and reconnect with myself. Working in communications for 15 years, I was used to working all the hours needed to get shit done. Sound familiar?

After a pretty challenging period in my life, I realised it was time to cut out some of the noise, distractions and numbing techniques that I had brought into my life as a way of avoiding things that were coming up for me. We all have them, but it’s about being ready to meet them and I hadn’t even realised I was ready to go deep.

When I finally stopped and took some time for myself, I could see it was all an illusion and what I really needed to do was reconnect with my body, heart and soul to have some clarity around the life I really wanted to live, moving away from living the life that I felt was expected of me.

I took some time to allow things to quieten down and I opened up my heart to a process of healing, which has completely transformed my life in ways that even surprise me day to day. From the way I respond to things to how I feel about my body, I’ve worked through some of the things that have been holding me back and here I am, living a life I truly love, that is so aligned to my soul I couldn’t imagine being any other way.

For me, this adventure has been about reclaiming my inner wild one. The Betty that was born into the world without any limiting beliefs or societal expectations that we all pick up along the way. Who am I and who do I want to be? What am I really here for?

RECLAIM YOUR WILD is my way of continuing to do the work and empowering others to do the same. I’m so excited to create the space and share the tools that will allow you to create a life that is in alignment with your soul. Are you ready to go a little deeper? I’m here to hold you.

Get in touch to book your free discovery call betty@reclaimyourwild.co.uk

Using my communications experience, I support brands with a wild heart and soul-led purpose. Together we re-write their story so that they reach the right people.