Breathe with Betty

Unlocking the superpower of your breath


Take a deep breath in through your nose. And out through your mouth. Can you feel that?

The power of our own breath really is magic, isn’t it? I discovered breathwork in Bali in 2019, when I breathed properly for the first time. I was taken on a journey with my own breath and it opened up parts of myself that I didn’t even know existed. I lay on my mat thinking HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE WITHOUT DRUGS? (True story and not an uncommon response, apparently!).

Our breath is one of the most powerful free tools we have access to and with so many of us adopting busy lives and piling more and more pressure onto our nervous systems, it’s even more of a priority that we remember the lost magic of our own breath. My adventure has brought me from ‘Busy Betty’ to living my soul’s calling and breathwork has been one of the key tools. I would love to support you on your own adventure with your breath.

Waking up to my breath

My breathwork facilitator journey started when a global pandemic that affected our respiratory system began. This is just one of the beautiful synchronicities of my adventure so far. When big things have been affecting the collective, I’ve found my breath has illuminated parts of myself that I’ve been ready to go a little deeper with. That is the beauty of breathwork, it brings to light what our body is ready to show us and in that, I have unlocked so many old patterns and stories that I had been living by. Shown to me through my breath, I got to re-write these stories, which has helped me start to live a soul-led life.

Using a conscious connected breath is a life-changing tool that allows us to drop out of the monkey mind and into our bodies, activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the body’s natural healing state: rest and restore. Here we can release blocked energy, emotions, anxiety and stress whilst nourishing every cell in our body with oxygen, which can support clarity and focus, as well as aiding digestion. I like to think of it as a reclamation. A meeting of our true self, where no one is watching and we get to be who we really are.

Why we work with a conscious connected breath

Did you know that only 10% of our energy comes from food and water, with a huge 90% of our energy coming from oxygen. So if we’re not breathing deep into our belly, we could be starving our body of what it needs to run at optimum levels. So many of us have a naturally shallow chest breath, so one of the great things about this type of breathwork practice is that it’s a way for us to relearn the lost art of full-bodied belly breathing.

The Sacred Breath Method uses a nose inhale, activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which is our body's natural state of rest and restoration. It’s our way of letting the body know it’s safe. By using this feminine approach, we are embracing flow and allowance over force. It’s a slow unwinding into ourselves and whatever is waiting to be met. We go in slow and safely, using this trauma-informed approach that supports us physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and energetically.

Breathwork can:

  • Help us relearn the lost art of full-bodied breathing

  • Allow you to drop out of your head and into your heart to meet what is there

  • Soothe and regulate the Nervous System

  • Increase clarity and focus

  • Deliver more oxygen to the body

  • Support digestion

  • Eliminate Oxidative stress

  • Improve sleep

  • Allow emotional catharsis, a physical release of repressed emotion that may be causing blockages in the body

  • Restore safety in the body

  • Reconnect with un-met or repressed emotions: from grief and sadness to love, joy, creativity, and sensuality

  • Support with finding your purpose and creating a life of meaning.

What does a 1:1 session look like?

We’ll start with a discovery call so I can answer any questions and find out more about where you’re at. After a health check-in, we’ll book a journey. We always allow three hours for the first session, as I will go through an introduction to the method.

During the session, we will take some time to ground in the space and I will take you through The Sacred Breath Method and teach you the technique. We’ll warm our lungs and open our diaphragm with some gentle breathing exercises and movement before we begin. The journey itself is an hour and we will finish up with some space to share, which is always optional.

I create a sacred safe space for every journey and 1:1 sessions are always bespoke to support you with your own unique journey. I use a drum, rattle, chime and offer hands-on touch working with essential oils to support with energy work if this feels good to you.

Are you ready to unlock your full potential?


What does a group breathwork journey look like?

Image Credit: Sacred Breath Academy (My Breathwork Training Intensive in Mexico)

I personally believe that there is real power and beauty in coming together to heal. The group space I hold is very special, creating a safe container for us all to move through what we need to, together.

We’ll come together in circle and take some time to ground in the space, before I take you through an introduction to The Sacred Breath Method and you get familiar with the conscious connected breath technique. We’ll warm our lungs and open our diaphragm with some gentle breathing exercises and movement before we begin. The journey itself is an hour, guided with a carefully crafted playlist to move you through the journey and take you to where you need to go. Your breath always knows where to take you.

After the journey I will open up the space for sharing (over snacks), which is always completely optional.

I create a sacred safe space for every journey and it is a judgement-free space, where I encourage your fullest expression with movement, sound and emotional release.. I use a drum, rattle, chime and offer hands-on touch working with essential oils to support with energy work if this feels good to you.

Book a free 20 minute connection call with me below and i’ll share more about this magic:


How do I know if breathwork is for me?

Conscious Connected Breathwork results in certain specific physiological changes in the body and also can result in intense physical and emotional release. We carry suppressed trauma and emotion, causing energy to stagnate in the body. As you breathe deeply into every cell, blockages are released and as a result you may experience a whole range of emotions. Know that every emotion is welcomed in this sacred space to be witnessed. These deeply healing and transformational journeys can bring physical sensations to the body, including:

  • Tingling

  • Buzzing/ Fizzing

  • Vibrating

  • Shaking or trembling

  • Tightness in the hands or jaw (Tetany) I will guide you on how to work with it during your journey should it arise.

  • Somatic unwinding

  • Deep emotional release and catharsis

  • Trauma release

  • Unlocking repressed sensual/ shakti energies


Breathwork results in certain specific physiological changes in the body and also can result in intense physical and emotional release. As a precaution, the following conditions are contraindicated in certain breathwork practices.

Before booking a breathwork journey with me, please inform me if you experience any of these contraindications, as a modified breath may be available:

-   Pregnancy (at any stage)

-   Severe PTSD or severe trauma

-   Actively using recreational drugs

-   Taking any medication that alters brain chemistry like anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, ADD, OCD medications, etc.

-   Detached Retina

-   Glaucoma

-   Kidney disease

-   High Blood Pressure

-   Cardiovascular disease, including angina, previous heart attack or stroke

-   Diagnosis of aneurysm (of any kind at all, no exceptions)

-   Uncontrolled thyroid conditions

-   Diabetes

-   Severe Asthma—

-   Epilepsy

-   History of Seizures

-   Prior diagnosis of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or previous psychiatric condition

-   Hospitalization for any psychiatric condition or emotional crisis within the last 10 years

-   Recent surgery, stitches, physical wounds or injury

-   Any other medical, psychiatric or physical conditions which would impair or affect the person's ability to engage in any activities that involve deep physical and/or emotional release 

- The mRNA COVID Vaccination: At this time, clients must wait a minimum of *60 days* after their *final* dosage with *NO SIDE EFFECTS* to engage in Breathwork.

Breathwork pricing

One-to-one breathwork sessions are available at my healing space in BN2 and online. This work requires devotion to yourself and your healing process to really recieve the transformational benefits. My signature 1:1 offering, Beyond Breath, is a safe 12-week container to regulate your nervous system and breathe deep into your body to recieve physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic benefits.

I don’t offer one-off sessions, unless you have worked with me before. Our first session is 3 hours (£199) and all following journeys are 2 hours (£149).

Every human has a unique healing journey and therefore will have different requirements.

Book a free connection call to find out more.


Are you ready to unlock the power of your breath?

Let’s journey together